A Woman’s Journey Back to Herself

Welcome Wild Beauty,

Something inside you guided you to this page. Some curiosity, and perhaps a little voice that said "Yes, go check this out, it might be for you."

I genuinely like to know if I can be of support for you on your journey to becoming a Healthy Vibrant Woman, nurturing your nervous system from survival to sensuality.

I know your deep longing for intimacy, for connection, for love and feeling held by the strong Masculine. And when we go even deeper, beyond this longing there is a soul calling for you to come home and experience divine inner union.

Whether you are aware of this or not, we’ll find out more once you start this journey of opening your heart and let the wild woman in you guide you towards healing, shedding shame, and reclaiming your authentic sensual power.

I like to share how the masculine is a reflection for you and how it helps you to understand your role better as God created you.

While you read the following below, feel in your gut if this is what you feel called to.

Where the Divine Masculine stands as a mirror to your essence, a profound journey unfolds for you, as he is the bearer of the Divine Feminine. This journey is not just about awakening to your own depth and beauty but also about recognizing how the Masculine can reflect and support your truest self.

As you claim your truth as the Divine Feminine, embodying your grace, intuition, and nurturing spirit, you naturally attract a Masculine energy that resonates with your authentic being. This is a dance of energies, where the Masculine, in its authentic form, supports you by providing strength, stability, and a foundation upon which your own energies can flourish and expand.

Your responsibility in this sacred dance is to allow, to receive, to open, to surrender and stand strong in your jewel heart that is here to give back to the masculine a nurturing, calm and loving space. It is about becoming a healthy vessel for the Divine Feminine to express through you. This also means cleaning your inner waters and acknowledging and embracing all parts of yourself, including your insecurities, shame, and self-worth issues. It is in facing these shadows that you find your true light, transforming pain into power, and fear into love.

The path to becoming a healthy embodiment of the Divine Feminine involves:

1. Deep Self-Reflection: Courageously explore the depths of your inner world, acknowledging the areas where you feel inadequate or unworthy. It is in these dark waters that your greatest treasures lie hidden.

2. Healing and Self-Care: Devote yourself to practices that nourish your body, mind, and spirit. This could be through meditation, dance, energy healing, or any modality that resonates with your soul, allowing you to tap into your innate creative and sensual power.

3. Embracing Vulnerability: See your vulnerability as a strength, a gateway to deeper connection with yourself and others. In your openness, you invite the Masculine to support you in a way that honors your sacred essence.

4. Cultivating Self-Love: Build a foundation of self-love that is unshakeable. When you love and accept yourself fully, you signal to the universe that you are ready to receive a Masculine energy that matches this high vibration.

5. Living Your Truth: Stand firmly in your truth, expressing your needs, desires, and boundaries clearly and with compassion. In doing so, you attract a Masculine presence that respects and cherishes your authentic self.

6. Fostering Inner Balance: Balance your own Masculine and Feminine energies, recognizing that within you lies the power of creation and action, as well as receptivity and intuition. This inner harmony attracts a complementary energy in your external world.

Remember that your journey is not just about finding a match in the Masculine but about becoming the fullest expression of the Divine Feminine within you. As you heal, grow, and embody your sacred essence, you naturally attract a Masculine presence that honors, supports, and celebrates the divine being that you are.

With nurturing guidance and unwavering support, I am here to accompany you on this healing journey. Together, we will unveil the radiant essence of your Divine Feminine, creating a space where the sacred dance between Masculine and Feminine energies unfolds in its most beautiful and harmonious form.

Embrace this journey with an open heart, dear one.

This is A Unique Opportunity To Personally Be Guided

By Ratna Dewi Jewel

6 Months VIP Healing / Coaching Program Includes 8 Private Online Sessions

This Offering Starts in October 2024 - Applications Are Opening in June


~ Only 3 Spaces Available ~

If this is your time to embrace your Divine Feminine power & It's time to look in the mirror.
Then no longer postpone, get yourself devoted to become a Healthy Woman.

Check out here the tools that are possibly used in this program 

Who is this for?

All Women between 30 & 65 years. Preferably have done already some inner work or self development work.

Which Tools will be used in this program?

Check out the link here to find to full explanation of working with the Physcial, Emotional, Mental and Spiritual Body. 
Click here. 

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