Light Language & Sound healing

Mini Album “Sound of the Earth” is a powerful sound healing and light language transmission. This is for you to connect with the divine mother within, that helps you to embody and integrate your spiritual soul here on earth. 

Wisdom teachings from all traditions point to Unconditional Love and Compassion as the most powerful medicine in the world. The Divine Mother mirrors to us that this treasure is found in our very own being. In connecting with the divine mother within, we enter vulnerability as a portal to a deeper power. We learn to see through our habits of division and projection and let Her guide us all the way into the unfathomable strength of the undivided heart.


Sample: Listen here to Sounds of the Earth. The complete mini album is 17 minutes.  and is available in mp3 and mp4. 

Sounds of the Earth
Ratna Dewi Jewel is sharing with
you light language with
the sounds of the earth 
and the whales. 

Let this 17 minutes transmission 
expand your heart open. 

Listen with headphones for full embodied experience. 
Sounds of the Earth album is professionally recorded in
Sound Studio Marc Vanhie in Brussels 2020

What is Light Language?

Light Language is simply a way of letting divine speak through you, your pure essence… from this place we are able to communicate on many different levels… As we can for example see how dolphins and whales communicate, they use sonar, sound frequencies… we are able to do this too, if we allow source to flow through us… we become still, we listen and without any effort sound comes through… if you are not familiar with this way of communicating or sharing, it can be a bit strange in the beginning, even to hear it from another person.

The only way to truly understand and tune in to Light Language, is when we can allow stillness within our own being. It can also come through in the form of dance/movement which is expressed many times through my video’s… Let me share these gifts with all of you. It’s my greatest joy. Deeply grateful for this life, deeply grateful to You, to Divine source, Mother Earth, Lady Blue and those that swim in the Blue, the dolphins & whales…

Sound when produced from pure divine connection is the most powerful treasure of the universe.
It vibrates in us, through us and though out all of life. We stopped hearing this treasure, we stopped listening. Now it’s time again
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