
Ratna Dewi

& Her Offerings

Ratna Dewi Jewel is a dedicated guide on the path of healing and self-discovery. With over 20 years of experience, she combines her passion for the human journey with practical approaches to deeply relax and reconnect with the body, mind and soul.

Before starting her own practice, Dewi worked as a social worker with children and adults who are neurodivergent, including those with ADHD, autism, PTSD, and psychiatric complexities. Combined with her own experience of being neurodivergent, this has given her a deep understanding of diverse needs, which she brings into her current healing work.

She specializes in body awareness, helping people connect deeply with their bodies’ wisdom through nurturing touch, movement and mindfulness. Dewi believes that true healing begins with understanding and listening to the body.

Dewi is also an energy healer, working with the powerful frequencies of the Golden Dolphin (Nai’a) to support transformation on all levels—emotional, physical, mental and spiritual. This unique method of healing has helped many clients experience profound shifts in their lives.

Ratna Dewi Jewel’s Expertise

Services in Crete 2024-2025

Dewi is available for in-person sessions in Crete and occasionally in Belgium, the Netherlands, Bali, and French Polynesia.

Available Sessions

Relaxing Massage & Healing Touch Therapy

A gentle and soothing massage designed to release tension and restore a deep sense of calm. This nurturing touch therapy is tailored to help you reconnect with your body and feel held in a safe, healing space. This massage is with clothes on, similar to Tui Na massage. Oil is only used on the neck, hands and feet. 

Nurturing Care & Affection Therapy

(including for children with ADHD, autism, or emotional issues)

This therapy provides comforting physical connection through gentle touch, fostering trust and emotional security. It’s especially beneficial for neurodivergent children, offering them a safe and supportive environment to feel loved and understood.

Yoga & Manavai Dance

(Holistic Movement)

This Holistic Movement practice combines gentle yoga with free-flowing movements, helping you build a stronger connection and awareness of your body. Manavai Dance allows you to explore self-expression while increasing flexibility and emotional balance.

Breathwork & Mindfulness

Through guided breath techniques and mindfulness practices, this session supports mental clarity and emotional regulation. It is a powerful way to cultivate inner calm, improve focus, and reduce stress.

Compassion Therapy

(The Art of Staying)
This therapy is about cultivating acceptance, presence, and self-awareness without judgment. It invites you to stay with yourself as you are, building deep self-love and inner peace. Through gentle guidance, you’ll learn how to embrace all parts of yourself with compassion, creating space for healing and transformation.

Energy Healing

Dewi channels the powerful healing frequencies of the Golden Dolphin (Nai’a), working with your energetic body to release blockages, restore balance, and awaken your inner vitality. This multi-dimensional healing supports emotional, spiritual, and physical rejuvenation.

Online Program - From Body to Soul

Dewi is developing an online program called “From Body to Soul.” This program will cover her full range of teachings, offering guidance on how to heal, connect with your body’s wisdom, and learn about intimacy, self love, self acceptance and self awareness.

For updates or to be notified when the program is ready, send an email to express your interest.

Free Discovery Call

If you're interested in working with Dewi But You are not sure what is most oppropiate for you. book a free call to explore how she can support you on your healing journey.

Men (ages 18 and up)

For the past 15 years, Dewi has supported men in understanding and connecting with their emotional and energetic experiences around intimacy, desire, and self-expression. She helps men explore these feelings in a healthy, mindful way, offering guidance on dealing with societal pressures that expect them to always be strong, and finding comfort in vulnerability and shedding their hardened layers.

In a session, men can expect a supportive and nurturing space where Dewi uses techniques such as body relaxation through gentle touch, guided breathwork, and compassionate dialogue. These practices are designed to help you release tension, quiet the mind, and connect with your inner self. Through this process, you will be gently guided into self-acceptance, a deeper understanding of your true nature, and a profound sense of stillness and relaxation.

Women (ages 18 and up)

Dewi has supported women in deepening their connection to their bodies, learning to listen to their body’s signals, embracing their body image, releasing shame and reconnecting with the sacredness of their physical form. Her expertise lies in helping women own their divine feminine nature and release fear around expressing their soul gifts. This stems from Dewi’s life mission, inspired by her birth name, Ratna Dewi, which means “Jewel Goddess” in Indonesian.

In a session, women can expect a nurturing and safe space where Dewi guides them through practices such as deep body relaxation through touch, breathwork, and conscious movement/ dance helping them attune to the subtle energies within. Through these gentle practices, you will awaken a deeper awareness of your body, heal past disconnections, and reclaim the beautiful Jewel that resides within.

Children and Young Adults
(ages 5 to 18)

Dewi offers a safe, healing space for children and young adults dealing with ADHD, autism, PTSD, abandonment fears, or other emotional challenges. Through gentle, nurturing touch and cuddle therapy, she helps children release physical tension, regulate their nervous systems, and experience emotional safety. These sessions also promote healing of bonding and trust issues, offering children the comfort and connection they need to feel more secure in their environment.

Client Feedback

Many clients have shared that after a session with Dewi, they experience a deep sense of rest and relaxation—both physically and emotionally. This feeling of release allows them to reconnect with themselves, often leaving the session with a greater sense of peace and clarity.

Mahalo, Nico – healer

Dear Dewi, The light transmissions and dance videos are a transcendent puja to mother earth for me. You embody grace and a beautiful feminine expression of the goddess when you offer your gift of divine movement to the nature. I feel nourished and deeper connected to Lady Gaia when I watch you.

Mahalo, Nico

Dhaya Dorje – Teacher of Dzogchen

You are expressing the feminine beauty, like the beauty of Gaia the great Mother. Many are forgetting to see the beauty in themselves and are scared to express it.  Thank you for creating the platform for sharing the simplicity, the beauty, the love that animate each moment of your life close to nature, and expressing it in your sessions and in your video’s. Beauty, Creativity, Love are some of the manifestation of the Feminine after all. This feminine abide in all of us. It is a must to open ourselves to this energy allowing it to be and to live free of expression in total simplicity. You are a good example of that, thank you.

Dhaya Dorje
Teacher of Dzogchen

Inge Leemans – tantra coach

Ratna Dewi is a very warm and integer woman who guides you silently in your process. Activates your light body. Her presence is fueled by a deep knowing, so one can trust and surrender in its own process. Thank you. 

Inge Leemans
tantra coach

Marilynn – Mother

Ratna Dewi, Thank you for your help. You really are a beautiful woman, as well as your soul, person and appearance. I really look up to you and have a deep respect for you. I wish that I may become as pure as you. 


Amoraea – Life coach, architect of the New earth

Encoded in Ratna Dewi’s movements are prayers infused with passion and peace. The invitation is to join with her passion for life and invest fully in each moment, to find a new resting point in the surrender, so that all the uncertainty and suffering the world experiences can find hope and release to the innate mystery that draws us all back home. The intimacy in her offering calls us to dance as well, not only with her, but with Gaia. This Angel of the Earth delivers her prayer by telling a story through her dance, in a language that moves us beyond borders. Discover freedom through her message… discover the lightness of being inside. 

Life coach, architect of the New earth

Niels Madsen – heart circle group facilitator

Your sessions and video’s, has helped me to really bring me in contact with my truth. For the man in me , I really feel grounded and relaxed taking your presence in. And may I say this. It feels like you have the next step of humanity and for healing the planet , mother earth the final goal of living in love, acceptance and harmony.

Niels Madsen
heart circle group facilitator

Erik v. Kelst

Working with Dewi has had a major effect on me. Not only did I reconnect with an important part of myself, my life as a whole has improved in so many ways! Especially the self reflection after each session has taught me a lot. Dewi managed, with lots of warmth, but also with surprise and confrontation, to gently and thoroughly, reach my blockages and innermost inhibitions. A very liberating experience, I'm very gratefull to her, keep it up!

Erik v. Kelst

Don v. Lax – spiritual guide, poet and violin player

Dewi is an archetypal example of a beautiful evolved soul fully embodied in a beautiful human body. Her attunement with nature and the universe shines with the radiance of her dance, her silence, her presence, and her clear communication of the language of light. Thank you for your presence on planet earth, Dewi Ratna the Jewel in the Heart of the Lotus! 

Don v. Lax
spiritual guide, poet and violin player


"Dewi's dance is a divine homage to Mother Earth, her grace a reflection of the goddess. Watching her and receiving these light transmissions, I feel a deeper connection to Gaia, nourished and inspired."


Dhaya Dorje

"Dewi is an example of the divine feminine, reminding us of the beauty, creativity, and love inherent in all. Her life is a testament to living freely and simply, encourages us to embrace our inner beauty. Thank you Dewi for your inspiration. "

Dhaya Dorje

Inge Leemans

"In Dewi's silent guidance, I've found trust and surrender. Her deep knowing activates a transformational light within, illuminating my journey."

Inge Leemans

Marilynn Buyck

"Dewi's purity and grace are inspirational. Her presence is a beacon of beauty and respect, guiding me towards my own path of self-realization."

Marilynn Buyck


"Through her dance, Dewi weaves prayers of passion and peace, inviting us into a deeper communion with life and Gaia herself. Her storytelling transcends boundaries, guiding us towards a lighter being."


Niels Madsen

"Dewi's sessions have grounded me, connecting me deeply with my truth. Her vision for humanity—a world of love, acceptance, and harmony—resonates as the next step for our planet."

Niels Madsen

Erik v. Kelst

"Working with Dewi has had a major effect on me. Her warmth and insight have unlocked parts of me I'd lost touch with. Her guidance, both gentle and confronting, has liberated me from deep-seated blockages, transforming my life in profound ways. I’m very grateful I gave myself the gift to work with her."

Erik v. Kelst

Don v. Lax

"Dewi embodies the beauty of an evolved soul, her radiant presence and the language of light uplift the spirit. A true Jewel in the Heart of the Lotus, her attunement with the universe is a gift to our planet."

Don v. Lax
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