23 Mar The Wisdom of the Womb
The womb is an archive, all the information we need to know about the truth is there. It’s like the akasha chronicle, the whales and dolphins have access to this information all the time. They swim in Mother earths womb, the ocean.
She has a voice.
But the truth lies inside your womb/ Hara for men. When we start to connect to her and learn to listen, she will tell you all you ever wanted to know.
Before we can reunite and merge our inner masculine and inner feminine energies we need to embody our highest qualities of man and woman. For both men and women it means to rediscover and re-establish contact with his repressed feminine principle and True Self. Both parts have been maligned and blackened, and both men and women have had to judge these aspects of themselves.
The most essential questions we need to ask her is: Who am I, what is my uniqueness? What is my greatest joy and passion?
If you don’t know then your next step is to find out, connect with your womb, become very still and listen.
We are always guided, but It also needs courage to act on that guidance.
If you find yourself in a position where you feel blocked. Then ask these questions: what am I afraid of? Or trying to avoid?
Will everything have to change? Will I disappoint someone? Will I fail? Will I be judged? Is it safe? Am I worthy of having the life that I desire? Am I good enough to do what I want to do? Am I letting someone, something, or a belief hold me back? And what am I sacrificing by not acting on and having what I want?
Be understanding and compassionate about your feelings, your feelings just want to be heard.
If you find that this is a deeper wound that needs more healing, then I highly recommend to seek support in holding space/remembering it fully so you can be aligned with your desires and vision.
As a womb keeper I’m here to guide people to connect deeper with their womb and feminine essence. For both men and women. Check out more here http://ratnadewithin.org/womb-healing/http://ratnadewithin.org/womb-healing/
Womb (uterus, fallopian tubes, ovaries, yoni) is the woman feminine core, her feminine essence, her creative generator of magnificent force, vitality, sensuality, her force to feed and manifest. The man power center and its center is Hara (which is about 3 cm below the navel), perineum, its lingam and his prostate. It breeds not only children, but also projects, ideas, careers, spiritual potential, personal healing and deep connection and association that we all crave. It gives birth to the divine masculine and the divine feminine and brings balance and strong deep love in our deep intimate relationships. The womb is the foundation of the union between man and woman.
For women is the activation trip to open and activate her Womb, rekindle her true feminine energy, so that she can again keep the masculine and turn all separation from the whole. Womb serves as a strong foundation for the heart and soul far beyond anything else. Our womb the source of creation. Deep and strong primeval energies, forces the creation of the world, the feelings that feeds and destroys, the desire to create and sculpt our lives and all the experiences that come with it. Womb Awakening helps you to be in touch with your inner source of power, and your soul’s wisdom.
For men is the activation trip to open and activate his Hara and re-awaken the feminine energy, open heart and crown chakra to rearm the masculine energy. An activated Hara and lingam is always in tune with the woman’s womb. His lingam is the extension of the heart and kisses the womb gently open, where they enter into the cosmic womb (the universe) in sacred union.
By healing and activating these energy centers in the body and mourn the loss of contact, the men begin to fade in again to its pure masculine Shakti energy, the vital energy.
Womb / Hara Awakening will help you explore your true feminine principle and see what is really happening in you and in your relationships outside your feminine and masculine power center. Womb / Hara Awakening is ancient wisdom from the ancient sacred traditions that we have long forgotten, and now is reborn in this modern age.
This place and her wisdom have been made invisible and silenced, and when these secret doors open – she has so much to say and so much to learn. When we consciously travel through the activation process, our womb begins to wake up from her long sleep and with it, everything that she holds as the Jewel of Creation.
Womb / Hara Awakening – The Power of Woman / Man
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