New Earth Vision

New Earth Vision

In honor of mother earth and the divine in all beings

The New earth vision is to assist the planet and humanity with the current shift into higher frequencies. We can raise our vibrational frequencies when we allow ourselves to imagine the impossible, – out of the box, where we have set our limited believes-. We will then see that anything is possible. The New earth vision is what we all carry inside our hearts, and deeply know that this is a world we are ment to create together.
It isn’t something we can really grasp with our minds but rather FEEL in our hearts…
I’m not here to tell you to much about it, but I want people to get the feel of it, so that they can get inspired by it and experience it themselves.
One of the creative projects is a sacred home, a sanctuary where people can come for deep rest, rejuvenation, healing, creativity, music, writing, dancing… Anything that is needed in the moment that inspires our heart and soul, our own inner Wisdom.
All the aspects of the New earth vision is the foundation of every creation, with this we also like to create a dance/ music film that evokes these aspects. We will have a beautiful setting in nature, and use soul dance and sound…
We will also create beautiful photo’s to capture the essence of beauty and stillness…
All the aspects of the New earth are the foundation of everything we do, from this place there is an effortless unfolding.
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