Dance equally to love making

Dance equally to love making

As for anything, the purpose of life is to remember who we are and to share our joy, our Gifts with the World.
What I experienced in dance is that the more I let go, the more the dance becomes free. Amazed by the movements that spontaneously are created in just a second, one after the other…not knowing what comes in the next second and the next… it’s a falling into the heart that leads me to letting go more and more.

This surrendering creates an expansion, and brings us in immediate stillness, in the unknown…that’s the moment we realize who we really are and from where we authentically create and share. When we make love in this way, where no techniques are required, love making becomes just as dancing, a profound practice of surrendering to the heart, to love itself.
If we have the need to learn techniques to eventually come to that place of letting go and stillness then that’s valid too, there is nothing wrong with techniques but eventually we don’t need that anymore…

My dear beloved Marco tells us more about this here.

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