Masculine Balance Healing /Coaching

The Awakening of Your Divine Masculine Power

Welcome Brave Heart,

Something inside you guided you to this page. Some curiosity, and perhaps a little voice that said "Yes, go check this out, it might be for you."
I genuinely like to know if I can be of support for you on your journey to becoming a Healthy Whole Man. 
I know your deep longing for intimacy, for connection, for love and resting in the nurturing arms of the feminine. And when we go even deeper, beyond this longing there is a soul calling for you to come home and experience divine inner union.

Whether you are aware of this or not, we’ll find out more once you start this journey of opening your heart and let yourself be guided by the feminine.

I like to share how the feminine is a reflection for you and how it helps you to understand your role better as God created you.
While you read the following below, feel in your gut if this is what you feel called to.


Your Bridge to close the gap of separation

The awakened Feminine essence is longing for your presence, not from a place of neediness, but from a deep, soulful desire for the authentic Masculine strength you embody.
She is inviting you to step up, to rise, to honor the vital role you play and find harmony in the balance of masculine and feminine energies. Where your strength, courage, and purpose intertwine with the sacred Feminine, creating a synergy that transcends the ordinary.

This isn't about fulfilling expectations or adhering to outdated norms; it's about recognizing the power and depth of your true essence.

Seeing the awakened Feminine as a mirror for your growth and transformation.

She sees in you the potential for greatness, the capacity to rise above the mundane and embrace the full spectrum of your Masculine power. This is not a path of complacency but one that calls for your full engagement, your willingness to explore the depths of your being, and your courage to face and transcend your limitations.

From feeling fragmented to embracing the fullness of your being, it's essential to understand that bridging the gap of separation isn't about skipping steps or rushing to reach a state of wholeness. Rather, it's in the gentle embrace of our perceived separations that we find the most profound path to unity.

By acknowledging and embracing the spaces of separation within us, we open the door to healing and unity. It's through this heartfelt acceptance and understanding of our own divisions that we can truly move closer to a state of wholeness, -A HEALTHY Man.

As your guide, I'm here to support your wellbeing through exploring your spiritual, physical, emotional, and mental aspects. Our collaboration will integrate various practices to address every aspect of your life, aiming for a comprehensive balance both internally and with the external world.

Learn more about my approach and the tools we might use here:

We'll use proven wisdom and practical insights to help break down barriers, facilitating a stronger connection with yourself, with others, and with nature. This process is about tapping into your inner knowledge, embracing who you truly are, and engaging fully with life.

You'll find a supportive environment here, inspired by the nurturing aspect of the Feminine, recognizing and encouraging your potential for greatness.

Are you ready to embrace this journey with an open heart, dear one, even though it may feel scary? 


This is A Unique Opportunity To Personally Be Guided

By Ratna Dewi Jewel

Aprox 6 Months Intensive Healing Journey
Includes 8 Private Online Sessions

Start End of May 2024 - Application Are Open Now 


~ Only 3 Spaces Available ~

This is your time to shine, to step forward with courage and conviction, to embrace the challenges and opportunities that life presents, and to rise as a true embodiment of the Divine Masculine. Let the sacred energy of the awakened Feminine guide you, transform you, and elevate you to new heights of being. This is your path to awaken to True Love & Connection.

If this is your time to embrace your Divine Masculine power & You feel that pull to work with me, the Divine Feminine as your mirror.

For who is this offering, is it only for men?

It's specifically for men between 30 & 70 years.

You may recognize one of the following: 

  • Deep desire for emotional support:

    • Men often yearn to feel supported, loved, and to be able to relax in their relationships with women.
  • Pressure to perform:

    • They frequently feel the need to perform or act, making it challenging for them to slow down and deeply relax due to a constant urge to do something.
  • Seeking balance:

    • There's a longing for a better balance between rest and action, as well as between giving and receiving in their lives.
  • Difficulty in receiving:

    • Men struggle with being open to receiving help and guidance, despite understanding its importance.
  • Self-doubt:

    • Feelings of inadequacy often surface, hindering their ability to fully embrace their strengths and stand in their power.
  • Disguised confidence:

    • Some may appear overly confident and successful, yet feel a sense of emptiness because they are distancing themselves from their true selves.
  • Struggle with presence:

    • There's a difficulty in staying present, with a tendency to dwell on the past or future rather than the current moment.
  • Desire for genuine connection:

    • They wish to be seen and understood by women, struggling with commitment and showing up fully in relationships.
  • Yearning for depth:

    • Men seek lightness in their lives that is meaningful rather than superficial, desiring to understand how their presence can reciprocally attract the love they deserve from a woman.
  • Conflicted identity: You might struggle with societal expectations of masculinity, causing you to question your identity and how you express yourself.
  • Lack of deep connections: You might face challenges in forming deep connections because barriers to vulnerability and emotional openness hold you back.
  • Lack of Intimacy: Deep inside you feel a longing to connect more deeply with yourself and with a woman that you can commit to with whom you can share your deepest heart desires with. 
  • Commitment issues: Due to insecurity, self-worth issues or other reasons you don't feel confidence enough or not ready to devote yourself in a committed relationship. 
  • Fear of vulnerability: You may feel fear of showing vulnerability or embracing more traditionally 'feminine' qualities that could be perceived as weakness.
  • Imbalances in feminine/masculine: Overemphasizing 'masculine' traits like competitiveness and stoicism could lead to stress, burnout, and a disconnection from your softer, nurturing side. Or overemphasizing your feminine traits and disconnected from your healthy masculine traits.
  • Spiritual disconnection: A sense of feeling disconnected from a deeper purpose or spiritual path, potentially leading to existential questioning and being too much in the mind.
  • Relationship challenges: You might face challenges in romantic or other close relationships due to an inability to fully understand your role as a man, and or not living in alignment with your true self.
  • Resistance to change: There could be internal resistance to exploring and integrating the feminine aspect, due to ingrained beliefs or fear of the unknown.

I offer something similar for women. Check out the Heal-thy Woman page. 

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