Natural Way of Motherhood and Life

Natural Way of Motherhood and Life

It’s natural for the mother to nurture and care for the child until it is grown, it is natural that we are love, that we love ourselves and all living beings, it is natural to live in peace and harmony, it’s natural that the mother teaches her child to be a creator, a god or goddess, it’s natural the family live in harmony together with nature and animals, it’s natural that we live in abundance and in health, it’s natural to do things in life that gives us joy, that is unique to our soul and serves others in that way, it’s natural that we all understand each other, that there is a universal language, that there are no differences but only equality, it is natural that children learn from life itself, mother nature and other living beings, it is natural that we create a child from a place of true love, and we understand the natures and rhythms of life. Trust and choice falls away, because this is real Life.

But we got lost, children are born from a place where the parents are in disconnection with their own heart, their own wisdom, they create children because that’s the curriculum we signed up for as humans in this 3D world, or they got pregnant in other ways that wasn’t planned…

We think we know what parenting is, but nothing is further from the truth. We try our best, yes, with all the brokenness, separateness we feel in our hearts. We try to make the best of our lives, following the system as it is set for us to be sheeps, so that we become even less intelligent, creative and loving. But now we do have a choice, and we have to learn to trust again what we once knew what was truth, what was real life, real love, real parenting…

And so we think this is life, we keep on validating this life every single day, go to work, mostly because we need to pay our bills, not always because we truly love what we do or is in resonance with our soul purpose, bring our kids to school because we have no time for them and it’s good because they learn things at school so they can become ‘successful’ in their future life, we do other kind of activities that fills up our days, we are busy, running left and right, we take some holidays to take a break from all the stress and business, we are exhausted… But this is life, people say and many of us truly believe that this is life. And what we believe will indeed manifest over and over again.

I say no this is Not Life! This is not how it is intended for us humans to live on this planet.

We keep on feeding this unconscious loop. Just a few dare to step out of the box and do something completely different… Courageous souls that break the loop, because they know there is another way. Some of us decide to plug out of the system as much as possible in this time, find a place on this beautiful mother earth where we can re-connect to our true nature.
We make a choice no matter what it takes. Who is willing to make this kind of changes in their lives?

Well I guess that’s why I am writing this story because I am one of those few people. Although I must say that more and more people are waking up and truly dare to make the change. There are also people that are conscious that this is not our natural way of being but they don’t take any action.

I know that it isn’t easy to break this loop. It comes with a lot of fear and resistance, especially from the people around you, and we are so conditioned ourselves that it’s not easy to break a belief or pattern. So we challenge ourselves big time in this case.

I’ll give you my example; I lived in a city in Belgium for awhile, got a divorce with the man I have one beautiful child with. It all started when she was born 8 years ago now,(2017) I felt this deep urge inside to return back to nature, she had woken up something inside, something that was there ever since I was a child. I was always deeply connected to mother earth, it was easy for me to communicate with her and the animals. For me this felt always like home, however later in life I lost my connection, or so it seemed. I got back in touch with my unique soul essence when I started traveling in 2006, I was 26 years, for 10 months together with my ex partner, we traveled throughout Asia, New Zealand and Indonesia where my Fathers roots lie. It was an intense inner journey where I slowly started to remember. Then unexpectedly I got pregnant at the age 29. It didn’t feel like a good time to have a baby, on all levels, me and my partner didn’t found any ground yet. A place where we both felt good, a home, all the important things, the basics and the true love connection to start a life with a child weren’t there. Also the relationship was unstable, and we felt more like brother and sister together, but our souls were drawn to each other somehow. In 2009 our beautiful daughter Sunra Noa was born. I had many signs already when she was in my belly. I managed to get a trip to Hawaii when I was 5 months pregnant. It was always a dream of mine to swim with the dolphins, and so I did, with her in my belly. I got this intuitive sense that I didn’t want to go back to Belgium or Netherlands. But the father of Noa thought that wasn’t a good idea. So she was born in the Netherlands, Exactly 2 years later, again I felt a deep calling, this time it was Australia, this deep feeling of finding a home somewhere in nature, somewhere in connection with our tribe, with mother earth and as much as possible away from the system, a self sustainable home where Noa had nature and animals as her playground and school. Her father wasn’t sure but he agreed to go along with the idea, but after 14 months of traveling to the most amazing places, where we were close to nature and Noa was shining blooming like a flower, her father wanted to go back to Belgium. He wanted to get back to a ‘normal’ life, get a job, Noa to school and me, well I got sick, fatigue, depressed, at one point I was even too tired to take care of my daughter… after 1 year in Belgium I ended the relationship, found a place on my own. For 2 years I pondered, I looked inside, I became still and I felt I was dying, dying inside of not living fully, not living the life I so deeply felt inside, my soul wanted to expand and live its soul purpose. I guess I wasn’t clear enough, that’s why it wasn’t manifesting yet. So I allowed myself to fully in detail envision the life I saw for myself, what would truly make me happy.

Noa was meanwhile going to school, but it was very difficult for her, especially in the beginning. She always recalled the time when we were traveling. And said many times, I want to go back mommy.

But what could I do, her father didn’t want to go anywhere any more, and I kept on envisioning a better home, a better situation. My deep soul calling became clearer and clearer every day. I heard mother earth calling many times while I was watching the few trees in front of my apartment window in the city.

And so it happened, last year in 2016, I met the man that had exactly the same vision as me. A new earth vision (check out more on my new earth vision page and he was/is part of the vision.

He invited me to come to Greece, and so I went without any doubt and basically I just decided to stay. This was quite a huge jump, but everything in my cells knew this was what my heart was longing for, ever since I was a child and that my daughter re-awakened inside of me when she came into my life.

The hardest part of making this huge change was because I couldn’t take my daughter with me. Not yet, until we have fully grounded our vision. But I’m sure not far from now, she will be soon be part of my life again, at least that’s what I hope.

You can imagine that this was not accepted by many, leaving my daughter in Belgium with her father. That’s just out of the question for many, when you have a child, you simply don’t have a choice, you have to sacrifice your life and you are responsible for her. And I believe I am, more than ever in fact. I am responsible because I am preparing a ground for a better future, the ground that was missing ever since she was born. Perhaps it wasn’t that responsible in the first place when me and her father decided to keep the baby, in this unstable situation we were in.

And not to mention that we were always different from many other people, not in a good or bad way. I just came here with a very awakened heart and mind, I always saw things many people couldn’t see. Some call us starseeds, we came here for a higher purpose, to serve mother earth and humanity in these transitioning times.

I know my daughter has the same mission, and with my decision I want her to see that we do not have to sacrifice our lives for anyone, we don’t have to be afraid to be hurt or hurt someone else, we do have to find our inner gift, our soul purpose and uniqueness, no matter what that takes to remember or re-discover that. I hope Sunra Noa that you will always follow your hearts wispers, she is calling you ‘home’. Mama loves you with all her heart.

I wrote a childerens book that describes the story of Mother Gaia and Ifa the girl that lost her way home, and how she found her way back. This story describes in a very simple way the path I have chosen in life.

Noa and I have regular contact via skype, and I go back to Belgium every 2 or 3 months, in the summer holidays she stays with me in Greece.  Yes, we miss each other, of course. I am a mother at heart, and as a mother my gift is to love, care and nurture her. But the truth was that when I was in Belgium, I almost wasn’t able to do those 3 important things anymore, I could barely do it for myself. I had to find the love, care and nurture for myself again, and I do now, everyday more and more, remembering these gifts I have been given. And using them for a higher good.

I asked my daughter if she wanted to come and live with me in Greece, but she said she wants to stay with her father, she thinks her father is going to be really sad when she would leave. For now I believe this is what she wants to experience, but I hope one day she will return to the life she always so loved when she was a baby until the age of 3. And her soul that always subliminally gave me this message.

Even though she misses me, she understands that her mama is more happy than ever before, and that I am a better support for myself, for her (even though it’s on a distance), and for many others. Visible and invisible.

I am telling you this story to uncover the truth of the divine feminine and motherhood. The only way for me to show others, is through sharing the choices I make. Although we are living in times where we are still with one foot in the old paradigm of relationships, motherhood etc, and with one foot we start to tip toe slowly how it is to be a mother in the new paradigm. We always need to respect and honor the transition process.

So I do not expect everyone to understand what I’m sharing here. You can just see it as another perspective on life. Either way I hope it will inspire you. If you have any questions about this please let me know. And before you ask the question, just be aware of where the question is coming from, the part that is in the old or the new paradigm.

With Love,
Ratna Dewi

1 Comment
  • Kesa
    Posted at 18:58h, 03 October Reply

    Hİ Ratna
    while I could not even read your story till the end, you lived every second of it. Please do accept my respect and gratitude for what you have experienced. As a Turkish-rooted German mother of 2 children, I am standing in the middle of a see-saw and on 1 end of the sea-saw is all the judgement that describes how to be a good über-mutter and on the other side is the authenticity. Although I do feel to which direction I lam longing to move, I am afraid to fall of off the see-saw.
    I wish with all my heart that your beautiful daughter will also find her own path like her beautiful mother.

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