The challenges for a leader of the heart

The challenges for a leader of the heart

Feeling inspired today by a very courageous sister who shares openly that she has being attacked. Standing as a leader to empower women all over the world, she has been my example in many ways. And I realize that she is sharing something that is very important for many of us. And that many are experiencing in some way or another a sense of attack from the outside, if you are a leader of the heart, a lover of life and make tremendous changes in this world that move mountains. It’s beautiful in many ways but also very challenging as it brings up a lot of fear in others. Which causes them to react violently with lot of negative judgment. And in some cases telling lies about you to others, to make you even more of a ‘black’ sheep.
I know this because I experience this recently very strong in my life. Ever since I made a decision to move to another country, but my daughter living with her father,  is not something that is much respected. I realized there is no point of wanting everyone to see the good in me, and that some people will dislike me for the choices I make. The dislike comes out in many different ways, some are very subtle in showing it, they act as if nothing happened but somewhere I feel there is all kinds of feelings and thoughts they are having about the situation, some are very upfront, and some just don’t want to see you anymore…
It has been quite challenging to stand strong in my decision and not let all the emotions, judgments etc projected upon me, change the way I felt about my decision from the very beginning. Which feels the best thing I’ve ever done in my life. It never felt so strong in my heart. I simply couldn’t ignore that this is the next step, the next breadcrumb to follow.
Some say I am a dreamer, that I walk away from my responsibilities… But I wonder what is a dream, what is real? Is this whole life not one big dream. (Matrix) Do we think that all this is reality? The only thing that is real lives inside your heart, that jewel, that spark… And I belief that the ones  who dare to listen to their hearts and act upon it are the most real, courageous and responsible people I know.
Although it is not an easy path, and most of the time I feel quite alone in this because most people around me just don’t understand the choices I make. But I’m learning to except in a way that this is what happens when we step out of the box and make huge changes in our lives.
And I know I’m not the only one. I imagine all the people living life in peace <3

  • marjolein
    Posted at 11:16h, 03 January Reply

    I also think you are real, courageous and responsible. You are pioneers and the world becomes more and more ready. You are not alone. 💜

    • Admin
      Posted at 11:08h, 12 May Reply

      Thank you Marjolein. Glad to see you here. Namaste.

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